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I E D INVEST, Energy valuation of agricultural industries’ waste through the appropriation and deployment of gasogens

The initial project in Cambodia was to build two small gas-fired power plants using rice husk, waste from nearby farms, and wood from sustainable agroforestry, as well as to strengthen associated electricity distribution networks. IED Group finances and operates the gasification system through its subsidiary in Cambodia, mobilizing equity funds,...


Safer transport of dangerous goods by road and rail in the African Atlantic Façade region » to the European Union Initiative of Centers of Excellence for CBRN risk reduction. Contribute to securing the transport of dangerous goods (TDG) by road and rail in line with the economic development of the...


« High risk chemical facilities and risk mitigation in the African Atlantic Façade » to the European Union Initiative of Centers of Excellence for CBRN risk reduction. Develop Capacities and improve Chemical Risk Management in the West African Region in order to: Prevent the occurrence of major risks (accidents and/or...

CAP ENERGIE, Électrification de 6 dispensaires médicaux primés par l’ONU pour l’action climatique.

Électrification de 6 dispensaires médicaux primés par l’ONU pour l’action climatique. Le projet vise à permettre aux centres médicaux d’auto-consommer et de fonctionner normalement malgré la perte du réseau local suite à des coupures intempestives ou de faire face à des situations d’urgence. Une opération humanitaire qui a permis de...