Industrial Emissions control at the Lamma10 power station


The government of Hong Kong has decided to set extremely strict limits in terms of industrial emissions for new projects of thermal electric power stations. That includes a 5 mg/Nm3 limit value for Nox, as well as continuing to apply European standards (QAL 1-2-3).

The initiative led to the building of two new extensions at the existing thermal electric power plants of Black Point and Lamma Island (Unit 10). These are using combined cycle technologies paired with DeNox treatment systems that have been implemented by major engineering companies, that is MHPS and Siemens.

In order to comply with regulations and monitor the emissions limit values, certified last generation equiments have been required.

ENVEA has been chosen by the integrators to equip the 2 power plants. The system on Lamma island has been implemented end of 2019 and declared compliant (QAL 2) by the local authorities in the first quarter of 2020.

Partners: Worldtex, Tokyo Sangyo

Results of the project:

  • Lamma10 unit granted to start in Q1 2020
  • Potential orders for new units of the power plant (11 and 12)
  • ENVEA acknowledged as key CEMS partner on local market, opening the way to new projects in the wast management industry.

Local benefits:

  • Hong Kong is being successful in implementing a very low emission energy production plan, with the possibility of a total removal of coal power plants in the years to come.
  • Set an example for the area (Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzen and Canton) towards a strong reduction of industrial pollution.

Intervention domains

Air quality and odours control - Analysis - Measurement - Monitoring - CO2 collection and storage - Combating greenhouse gases technology - Gas and fumes - Gas Pollutants - Environmental development - Indoor air quality - Combating greenhouse gases - Energy efficiency - IT and software - Odorous compounds - Protection of the biodiversity - Particles - Regulations - Audit - Consultancy - Studies and Engineering - Sustainable urban planning - Training or awareness - Environmental Regulations - VOC - Implementing territorial sustainable development policies - Industrial ecology - Regulations - Audit - Consultancy - Studies and Engineering


Africa - America - Asia - Europa