Air pollution monitoring: a solution for cost effective measurements

Air pollution is one of the main environmental problems to be addressed by cities worldwide.
In order to foster sustainable development and mitigate climate change, it is therefore important to provide national and regional authorities with appropriate measures to reduce criteria pollutants (PM 10, PM2.5, O3, CO, SO2 and NOx) concentrations in ambient air.

Many cities are not able of meeting the implemented EU standards for particulate matter and NO2. While European Union imposes strict limit values for PM and NO2 in air through its Directive 2008/50/EC, reduction in emissions will become costly.

The EU has been funding since 1990 Territorial Cooperation programs. These include the current Balkan-Mediterranean one featuring the AirThings initiative. Its goal is to leverage the emerging technologies through IoT (Internet of Things) for air quality monitoring. And more specifically intelligent micro-sensors providing real time pollution data through internet.

As a consequence, Thessalonica (Greece) and Nicosia (Cyprus) have started to use ENVEA’s Cairnet, real-time and autonomous monitoring network mini-stations. These feature Cairsens micro-sensors and measure NO2, SO2 and PM. They provide local communities with inexpensive access to air quality data that were previously not available. This networking is coupled to Air Quality Monitoring Stations (AQMS) in different strategic places.

One of the key objectives of AirThings is to raise public awareness on air pollution as a major environmental problem, by addressing it with all the stakeholders. It shall contribute to a more efficient use of natural resources and climate change mitigation.

The programs also aims at the reduction of pollutant emissions in order to meet the European regulations as well as the national Air Quality Objectives defined through the Air Pollution Control Programs.

Local pertner: JB-CAMBAS

Results post project:

– Measurement of NO2, SO2 and PM. The mini-stations provide local communities with inexpensive access to air quality data that were previously not available.

Environmental impact:

One of the key objectives of AirThings is to raise public awareness on air pollution as a major environmental problem, by addressing it with all the stakeholders. It shall contribute to a more efficient use of natural resources and climate change mitigation.

The programs also aims at the reduction of pollutant emissions in order to meet the respective national ambient air quality standards.

More about AirThings program :

Intervention domains

Air quality and odours control - Analysis - Measurement - Monitoring - Coastal and marine environment - CO2 collection and storage - Combating greenhouse gases technology - Gas and fumes - Biodiversity and landscape - Gas Pollutants - Energy efficiency - Eco-management - Land usage plan environment relations - Nature reserves - mountains - forests - Environmental development - Indoor air quality - Environmental approach of urbanism - Combating greenhouse gases - Energy efficiency - IT and software - Regulations - Audit - Consultancy - Studies and Engineering - Prevention of natural risks - Odorous compounds - Protection of the biodiversity - Particles - Risk - Regulations - Audit - Consultancy - Studies and Engineering - Training or awareness - Regulations - Audit - Consultancy - Studies and Engineering - Sustainable urban planning - Environmental and social Investments - Training or awareness - Environmental Regulations - VOC - Implementing territorial sustainable development policies - Regulations - Audit - Consultancy - Studies and Engineering - Significant sustainable development indicators


Africa - America - Asia - Europa - Oceania

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