Field of activity: Manufacturer - Maker
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Sakowin is developing a CO2-free solution, on demand & on site to produce low cost hydrogen from methane.

We offer a new reactor technology to produce hydrogen and solid carbon from natural gas or biomethane. Using low energy plasma, our process is not only economical in electricity but also low-CAPEX and easily scalable thanks to its modular design. This technological brick will be marketed to OEMs for various markets. Compactness and high energy efficiency make this solution suitable to all industrial sectors interested in competitive CO2-free hydrogen, e.g. decarbonization of industrial processes, land, sea & air transport sectors, production of green electricity,  heating of buildings, or the production of hydrogen for the chemical industry. Installed directly on the hydrogen consumption site, at the end of a gas line, this concept can be used without H2 storing and transporting, and it can be installed on existing gas infrastructures.

Key figures

250 000€


SAKOWIN’s ambition is to help accelerate the energy transition through the emergence of competitive and 100% CO2-free hydrogen production solution. SAKOWIN has indeed identified a relevant and industrially unexploited technology: the plasmolysis of methane by low-energy plasma which makes it possible to produce decarbonized hydrogen at competitive cost, with the following main advantages:

  • Possibility of a production cost lower than that of methane steam reforming, with two major benefits:
    • Carbon neutrality: This technology completely eliminates the generation of CO2, producing gaseous hydrogen at atmospheric pressure and carbon in solid form (nanometric powder).
    • Competitive target price: due to electrical consumption equivalent to steam reforming and its low CAPEX, SAKOWIN’s solution makes it possible to reach a cost of producing CO2-free hydrogen, directly on site, which may be lower than the cost of today’s grey hydrogen. This is made possible by the production of two industrially valuable elements: hydrogen and solid carbon.  Solid carbon becomes a bonus as it can be used to manufacture tires, ink, battery electrodes and many other industrial products. The industrialization of the process will further significantly reduce this cost.
  • The only solution allowing on-demand & on-site production of hydrogen, from a natural gas or bio-methane supply. It operates at atmospheric pressure and can be positioned as close as possible to industrial needs or within Hydrogen Refuelling Stations.
  • The solution, compact and modular, fits into existing gas infrastructures and makes it possible to produce hydrogen on demand from a few kg to several tonnes per day.
  • The only CO2-free technology with a conversion rate close to 100%, much higher than that of methane pyrolysis, with lower energy consumption and low CAPEX.
  • In average uses 10 times less electricity to produce 1 kg of hydrogen compared to an electrolyser, allowing to multiply the hydrogen production capacity of renewable energies by at least 10.


Technopôle de l'Environnement Arbois Méditerranée
13100 - Aix en Provence - France Phone: +33 (0)6 09 97 72 93


Intervention domains

Energy efficiency - Renewables energies

Certifications, labels or price

Award winner 2021 of the energy showcase of the National Forum of Eco-enterprises

[Forum 2021] Le bilan



Key figures

International turnover
250 000 €


Technopôle de l'Environnement Arbois Méditerranée
13100 - Aix en Provence - France

The country in which the company has the most references aboard :
