Biodiv-Wind designs and markets technological detection devices.
automated wildlife management system.
In particular, Biodiv-Wind has developed SafeWind, a video-surveillance device that monitors the time
adapted to the wind context and to the day and night flying fauna. SafeWind allows
thus to know precisely and effectively reduce the risk of bird collisions
and bats with the windmills.
Biodiv-Wind has also developed BirdSentinel, a stand-alone video device that enables
to accurately assess the aerial activity of flying wildlife and anticipate erosion of
producible if wind turbine regulation is required.
Key figures
- Staff
- 6
- Turnover
- 700
Winner of the “Investissements d’Avenir” award, Biodiv-Wind is currently supporting a number of
dozens of wind power projects, in the development and operating phase, in France and Europe.
In particular, Biodiv-Wind has implemented the first continuous long-term monitoring by
video of chiropteran activity on an operating wind turbine.