Field of activity: Service company


AR ARCHITECTES, an architectural agency based in Paris since 2003, specialises in architectural creation associated with the engineering of new technologies to reduce energy consumption and restore natural resources in planning and construction.

The agency has many references relying heavily on the HQE® approach in France and internationally in :

– Eco-construction: collective, industrial, STEP, ERP, school buildings…

– Eco-renovation: reconversion of factories, office buildings, making ERP accessible…

– Eco-urbanism and Eco-landscape: parks, eco-neighbourhoods, plant engineering banks, phyto-purification for waste/gray water, air and urban sludge.

Under the direction of Ruba ALABED, DESA architect specialized in HQE® approach, AR ARCHITECTES provides assistance to the contracting authority or complete project management (studies and monitoring of works) in public and/or private contracts.

The agency brings together a multidisciplinary team with skills in: architecture, urban planning, landscape, environment.

Key figures



French Embassy in Doha

Beynes wastewater treatment plant

Aubevoye wastewater treatment plant

Water treatment plant Asnières sur Oise

Saint Michel wastewater treatment plant Chef

House of the Environment in Sainte Rose in Guadeloupe

Claye Souilly wastewater treatment plant

AR ARCHITECTES has many references in :

Eco-construction: industrial buildings, ERP public equipment, tertiary sector, water treatment plant,
Eco-urban planning and landscaping: eco-neighbourhoods, ZAC, housing estates, parks, etc.
Eco-renovation: ERP public facilities, schools, tertiary sector…



20, Passage de la Bonne Graine
75011 - Paris - France Phone: +33 (0)1 44 23 89 48

Intervention domains

Environmental approach of urbanism - Regulations - Audit - Consultancy - Studies and Engineering - Regulations - Audit - Consultancy - Studies and Engineering - Regulations - Audit - Consultancy - Studies and Engineering - Eco-materials, Eco-design and Eco-products, Alternative raw materials - Implementing territorial sustainable development policies - Life cycle analysis, auditing and diagnostics

Key figures



20, Passage de la Bonne Graine
75011 - Paris - France