Dear members of the club,
I wish you, first and foremost, a fruitful and happy new year !
To start off 2022, please find attached a request for expressions of interests for the DREAM project (Distributed Renewable Energy Agriculture Modalities) in Ethiopia, led by the Ministry of Water and Energy of Ethiopia, in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation and the African Development Bank. The main objective is to pre-select private developers to develop, deploy, and operate renewable mini-grids in the country.
Expressions of interests can be submitted before 11th January 2022 at : https://odysseyenergysolutions.com/dream/
Kind regards,
Attachée for Sustainable Development East Africa and the Indian Ocean
French Treasury
Attachée Développement Durable pour l’Afrique de l’Est et l’Océan Indien
Direction générale du Trésor
Peponi Garden, Off Peponi Road BP41784
00100 Nairobi – Kenya
Tél : +254 207 605 572 / Mob : + 254 79 50 08 04
- dream-landing-page-odyssey-extension( pdf - 270,37 Ko )